Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Tennis Elbow Surgical Treatment

Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a painful condition of the elbow, due to overloading by repetitive motions of the wrist or arm.

The most common symptom is pain on the outside of the elbow.

Treatment starts with anti-inflammatory medication, physiotherapy, bracing and injections.

If all conservative treatment fails, then surgery is indicated -either open or arthroscopic.

During surgery, we identify the damaged tissue and we repair the tendons/ remove scar tissue and in some cases even remove a tiny part of the bone too. This is a minor surgery, often done under local anesthesia and it is a day care procedure, which means the patient can go home the same day.

Recovery is fast and return to play is usually after 4 weeks of proper rehabilitation.

Exercises to improve strength and flexibility, to prevent or treat tennis elbow:

Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that focuses on preventing, diagnose and treat sports related injuries.

Sports medicine focuses on helping people improve their athletic performance, recover from injury and prevent future injuries. It is a fast-growing health care field, because health workers who specialize in sports medicine help all kinds of people, not just athletes.

AsĀ  Orthopedic surgeons with special interest in exercise and sports medicine, we focus on sports-related medical services. These include exercise prescriptions together with injury prevention and conditioning for recreational or professional athletes. We also treat sports related disorders with various conservative or surgical interventions